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Friday Schedule
september 2
Final Regular Season Standings
1st. Lost Lakers 2nd. Squad 3rd. Stop Spiking my Shot 4th. Amazeballs
5th. Dirty Slappers 6th. Beastie Balls 7th. Riverside Ragers 8th. Unicornation
9th. Setsy Time 9th. Courtney ...
9th. How I set your Mother 9th. The Spikers

Top 8 teams need to be at the courts for 530 to warm up, games begin 545.
Second round will introduce 9th place teams for play
Medals for 1st and 2nd. Trophy for 1st.
Good luck to all!
WRAP UP PARTY open to all league players:
Tuesday September 6th at our venue:
the Longhorn Saloon!!! 6pm party starts, awards at 7.
DISNEY THEME! Benefits for being in costume!
Beer and food included!
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